
Saturday, July 2, 2011

30 days

I watched this TED Talk today and have stopped my list-making ever since. Well, I got inspired so fast is mainly because I have precisely 30 days right now till semester #3 starts and I have been feeling useless since the past two days.

I spent this summer doing a lot of stuff I did not imagine I would do, visiting and lot of places and learning so much that I never thought I could learn. So after two months of jam-packed abnormal fun, I thought I would love  just laying back and sleeping the next one month. But as these lazy days are passing, I am feeling more and more uncomfortable and bored.

So, this 30 day thing seems worth trying. I have made my list but will not share it right now. I will share tasks as they become relevant or complete.

Another added bonus: I get to make tickable lists.

Starting tomorrow, let the ticking off begin!